Thursday 24 February 2011

Final product

here it is, a pimped out version of the handcuffs, well.. in black and white
created by me
feel like an artist
i created something
this.. this is emotional...

Assignment for the end of February

Where do i begin, sorry for not capitalizing the i, i give up on this keyboard.
and if there are typos, forgive me.
okay now...
let me fill you in on what we had to do: basically bring a bunch of items from our surroundings/represents us (again!) and things like that.
so I am pretty much into stuff like, ...metal, punk.. etc
so take a look at my items and judge away~
We were originally supposed to bring 6-7, but i brought more? and scanned more also.
different positions and all,
let's start off with the easy stuff, the hands, came up with that on the spot:

you pretty much get the idea, right? but then, i came up with something genius. probably not the first to think of something like this though..
not bad eh? c wat i did thar?

anyways, then came the rest of the items..
allow me to show:

for items like these, where i put 3 of a certain item, i have them aligned a la roman numerals, or scattered.
you know, to switch it up slightly..
here is something similar:

pretty sweet eh?

pretty sweet huh?
yeah saying pretty sweet a lot :l
well, baby chain and daddy chain.

hey, so yeah, keys, nice.
yeah the razor.. no comment
keys are kind of cool.
man, i feel like i am talking to myself, feel pretty lonely aha
Aw~ QB
notice the mouth?

I like asian culture, so here's 3, wednesday... cut out from an asian calendar


drum roll please,

best for last that I SHALL WORK ON:


Best one, yup
I am going to work on this, for the project.

There you have it, my items..

First assignment,

Well, what we had to do for our first assignment was bring an item to class that 'represents' us.
I decided to sculpt something, since I like things involving art. (drawing, painting, sculpting, whatever.)
There you have it, the hand I sculpted, along with amn eyeball for the hell of it.
and then, we were given a tutorial (by the way, pardon my typing, fingers are kind of stiff, cold as hell, and I am using a sh*t mac keyboard, but it's better than 90's keyboards..)
the tutorial was an image given to us by the teacher, that he took (so I think, if i misinform you, I don't think you'd care) aha, so yeah,
we had to add a background of fishes inside the old tv and such.
check it out:
I then added the hand inside and a fish on the mattress,
yeah yeah.. 

Well, hopefully this ends

Made way too many blog things and forgot the password, email or what not.
Well, introduction: this is pretty much for a digital design class at my college, and I will be posting my work up like all the other 30 students in my class.