Thursday 24 February 2011

Assignment for the end of February

Where do i begin, sorry for not capitalizing the i, i give up on this keyboard.
and if there are typos, forgive me.
okay now...
let me fill you in on what we had to do: basically bring a bunch of items from our surroundings/represents us (again!) and things like that.
so I am pretty much into stuff like, ...metal, punk.. etc
so take a look at my items and judge away~
We were originally supposed to bring 6-7, but i brought more? and scanned more also.
different positions and all,
let's start off with the easy stuff, the hands, came up with that on the spot:

you pretty much get the idea, right? but then, i came up with something genius. probably not the first to think of something like this though..
not bad eh? c wat i did thar?

anyways, then came the rest of the items..
allow me to show:

for items like these, where i put 3 of a certain item, i have them aligned a la roman numerals, or scattered.
you know, to switch it up slightly..
here is something similar:

pretty sweet eh?

pretty sweet huh?
yeah saying pretty sweet a lot :l
well, baby chain and daddy chain.

hey, so yeah, keys, nice.
yeah the razor.. no comment
keys are kind of cool.
man, i feel like i am talking to myself, feel pretty lonely aha
Aw~ QB
notice the mouth?

I like asian culture, so here's 3, wednesday... cut out from an asian calendar


drum roll please,

best for last that I SHALL WORK ON:


Best one, yup
I am going to work on this, for the project.

There you have it, my items..

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